Installous is a jailbroken iOS application, which has been developed by docmorelli, though it was originally created by puy0. This application enables you to download, install, share as well as update cracked apps in quite an organized fashion. It’s available on Cydia by the name ‘Installous 5’ and you would need a jailbroken device in order to install and use it. But sadly Installous was closed and a lot of users were desperate in finding a good substitute.
1.) App Cake
AppCake is the first and closest to Installous in terms of usage so will have no problems finding your way this app. In order for this to work you will need to have installed on your iDevice AppSync available in repo. In order to install AppCake you just need to add the following repo to Cydia
2.) vShare
Another one similar to Installous is vShare with the same resources. This will give you the possibility to install any app with one click. As the other mentioned before it has AppSync dependencies. If you want to install it just add this repo
3.) Zeusmos
Zeusmos an app that has been developed by a 15-year-old kid has been available for quite sometime. Well almost a year. But it wasn’t really popular due to availability of apps like Installous which were free and allowed people to install cracked apps on their iOS devices
4.) AppAddict
Download cracked iOS and Mac apps and books for free, new apps and books every day. iOS App included. Simple, clever interface, social functions, ratings etc and lots more.
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